Friday, August 9, 2013

URGENT: mysterious radio waves recived from outside of our solar system!

Astronomers say that "we discovered mysteriousradio waves billions of light-years from Earth." Based on the intensity and distance of four incoming radio waves, scientists believe that they come from a time when the universe was only half its present age. How can we originate the mysterious signal?

The theory about the source of the received radio waves, as usual, there are many. Some say that they are a consequence of the collision of huge objects such as neutron stars or black holes. Others believe that they come from the earth transmitters of great power transmissions. However, there are and those who emphasize that the received signal is the work of extraterrestrial civilizations (intentional or unintentional), sent billions of years ago.

Dan Thornton, lead author of the study from the University of Manchester said the results show some extreme events involving large amounts of energy as a source of radio pulses. Radio frequency radiation of unknown origin was discovered six years ago, but no one was sure "what it was". "Our report describes four consecutive explosions, removing any doubt as to whether they are true," says Dan Thornton.

As emphasized by astronomers at the current opportunities and will learn, you will be lucky to look into space "in the right place at the right time." The research team used the 64-meter radio telescope in Australia to get the best results. Some researchers believe that the origin of the mysterious radio waves may be the work of magnetic neutron stars known as magnetars.

"Magnetars may produce more energy per millisecond than our Sun by 300.000 years. This is our main candidate for solving the mystery of the source, but we can not say with absolute certainty," said Professor Matthew Bailes of Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne.

The team says that the results will be a significant help for a better understanding of the properties of places where radio waves are "fired". "It's hard for us to understand some things in the universe. Mysterious signal is a good example," says study co-author Ben Stappers. So it appears that none of the proposed theories in the introduction, the article can not be ruled out ...

Do you believe that received radio waves can be the work of an extraterrestrial civilization?

Friday, July 5, 2013

Times of "global spy" are becoming a reality

In a television interview, the famous novelist John le Carré (former employee of MI6) summed up the murky world of espionage with these words: "The global community is now a huge collection of secrets, which are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, on all continents. In this global market, anything goes, and the purpose of the information ". Is the British author is right?

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Those who express outrage to learn that democratic countries can spy on your 'friends' (such as Turkey and Russia) are either naive or they live in a utopian world. According to the retired employees of the CIA "there is nothing good and nothing wrong with the spy, it also has little to do with the law or morality".

Espionage, like trade, medicine and engineering, extends beyond the boundaries of nation-states and permeates the entire globe. The paradox of espionage based on the following principle: if the core is a scam espionage and betrayal, a core of international law is mutual respect and good manners. But not without reason espionage is beyond the scope of law - takes place in the shadow of international law and binding treaty countries.

This is what in a very clear accelerated development of espionage and "spying" is the Internet and the widespread computerization. Specialized spyware not warn internet users to start the installation process. Repeat the process on the disk trick, and when you enter the system, hiding and begin their secret mission. Their presence for a long time can be hidden, even though collect information about users of infected computers, and then - without their knowledge - send it to the author of a spy (a private person, company or government department).

Foreign policy and intelligence activities provide evidence that countries pursuing their own goals based on broadly defined "private interest". Individual governments today have no brakes to avoid inwigilować own citizens or residents of other państw.Warto recall even commented on the blog of the PRISM program, the U.S. intelligence gathering information about users online products such as Google, Skype, and Facebook.

Countries spy activities in any way, have been disclosed, usually are forced to as quickly as possible "swallow" wounded pride and consistent action on. Foreign policy, media revelations or intelligence blunders do not change the "spy reality." It is a world that is somewhat parallel to the reality created by politicians every day.

Do you believe that each of us has at least once fell victim to a "global espionage"?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Closer and closer to this year's Bilderberg conference. What they will talk about?

The political and business elite will gather in a private group to discuss a program that will determine the future of the most important global issues. Some aspects of the conference gradually forge the public. Topics to be addressed are worldwide tax system and giant Google. What may decide the association of the most influential people?

The Bilderberg Group is an informal international club of the most influential people from the worlds of politics, business and industry. Group meetings are held once a year. In the course discusses the major issues concerning the world including security policy or the economy. Initially it was claimed that this year's conference (like last year) will be held in Chantilly, Virginia (USA). Today we know that the meeting will be held June 6-9 at the Grove in Hertfordshire (England).

In addition to all the "fanfare" around the game, but still remains the most important question: what issues will be discussed at this year's ultra-secret meeting of the Group Bildergerg? The company Google is currently involved in the "battle of unpaid taxes" in the UK. Thus led to political comments, most of which call for a 'new global system of taxation". It is postulated that this topic will be one of the main discussions of the Bilderberg.

In recent years there has been an increase of participants-digital giants. In addition to the software world giants such as Craig Mundie, chief research and strategy at Microsoft (2006-2012 Bilderberg participant) and Google CEO Eric Schmidt (2007-2011 Bilderberg participant) will be a key player Peter Thiel, head of Clarium Capital, ie the company that launched the so-known portals like Paypal, Facebook, LinkedIn or Friendster.

Does Google can be a kind of "Trojan horse" needed to implement a global tax system? Possibly. It is worth mentioning that the global tax could mean imminent prospect of a global government, which certainly would be on hand most of the Bilderberg Club. Observers add that extra excuse to create a global framework for the taxation of the economic crisis, is located in "perfect for this moment."

One thing is certain: the wealthiest in the world consistently aim to ensure that corporations are able to use all international tax loopholes to their advantage. Small and medium-sized enterprises as well as individual entrepreneurs have little say in here - in fact, today counts only voice (including political) Google and Facebook. If we can work out a compromise in the Club Bildergerg, the next step is to debate the G8 (the meeting is scheduled for 17-18 June).

Although popular in socialist circles, the idea of ​​a global tax system has never been widely debated for fear of public backlash (in 2011 called for the introduction of a global tax on financial transactions - "Robin Hood tax" was quickly forgotten) Perhaps this year's event Bilderberg will lead us to a "global Google tax", which in time will open the way for politicians to something bigger.

Plans to implement a completely new global tax system should worry anyone who appreciates the concept of national sovereignty. To make matters worse, the whole structure can be implemented without a vote of citizens in each country... Do you believe that a forecast for this year's Bilderberg Group meeting can be checked? What may be the subject of further consideration of the informal club?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Priory of Sion: who guards his secrets today?

The Priory of Sion is a secret society allegedly founded in the eleventh century. The foundation of his appointment was to preserve and protect the original precepts of Christianity and to be the "guardian of the bloodline of Jesus Christ and St. Mary Magdalene". His greatest characters and mysteries are a growing concern of those involved with the history, mysticism, the media, and even art and film. What we know about Priory of Sion?

According to historical data, the Priory of Sion was founded in 1099 and has sworn to protect the Merovingian descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The law had to be the great of this world, like the Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci. According to experts in this field, the Catholic Church has been "historically engaged in a war aimed at the destruction of the dynasty and its guards. Priory of Sion might reveal facts that undermine the canon of the Christian religion."

Unlike for example, the Knights Templar, all evidence of the Order of Zion not historical facts are unequivocal. Most authors believe that the law and its history have been based on false information on the basis of additional false sources. In their view, the Priory of Sion as a "secret society formed in the eleventh century is a hoax."

Getting more interest Priory of Sion was probably initiated by Dan Brown and his best-selling book "The Da Vinci Code" (and the subsequent film adaptation book). Dan Brown drew from "The Templar Revelation" works of Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. The authors emphasize the novel that "divine lineage is the reality and the biggest secret organizations is the creation of the United States of Europe".

Lionel Fanthorpe, one of the experts on the subject states that "The Priory of Sion may be one of the oldest, most powerful and most extraordinary secret societies in the world. Could be the last vestigial trace inner group Templar or completely innocent, respectable and friendly community. Possible however, that the law may not exist at all ... ".

A man named Pierre Plantard in 1956, founded the Priory of Sion involved in the struggle for the construction of affordable housing, but over the years the organization collapsed. Plantard was that the Priory of Sion is a "vast organization numbering thousands of people, and its members have secrets that powaliłby Christianity on the shoulder." Plantard himself was called by the Grand Master of the coming of the royal family.

Interestingly, in 1993, Pierre Plantard was brought to trial and testified under oath that the whole story, which is publicly preached and propagated is bogus. In his apartment found several forged documents, including some that have evidence that he is the king of France (!). Pierre Plantard eventually disappeared from the media and public awareness with his "secret".

Sentences with respect to the Order of Zion are now divided. Some argue that the law actually existed, but has been informally resolved at the end of the seventeenth century. Others assert that the history of the Order, its role and achievements are only a hoax created to pursue other objectives. However, there are, and those who argue that the Priory of Sion and his guards working around the world to this day ...

Do you believe that the Priory of Sion actually existed? And do you know other interesting information about it?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rand Corporation: "think tank" that controls America

In our modern world, there are some institutions of power with a huge impact. I'm not talking here about national governments, intelligence agencies and even military organizations. Not even politicians from the headlines, strategists and a well-paid killer ...

May Rand Corporation have an impact to
the events taking place around the world?
Article refers to the institutions that bring the latest paradigms force us all. Tavistock Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Bilderberg Group, Monsanto, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Carlyle Group - are just some of the many players "handing out cards" in the modern world.

However, one of the most influential modern institutions appears to bring the lead. I mean the Rand Corporation in California. This American "think tank", yet research organization non-profit organizations. Rand Corporation was originally developed for the U.S. Armed Forces May 14, 1948 in Santa Monica-based military program of the same name (RAND).

Currently, the Rand Corporation has approximately 1,600 employees in six premises - three are in the U.S., another three in Europe. Currently, the institution conducts research in the field of defense, terrorism, education, and even health. Its impact on the functioning of society, politics and the world economy clearly increasing.

Let us extract from the Statutes Rand Corporation (the "mission statement"): "The organization's mission is to foster and promote the goals of scientific, educational and charitable for the public welfare and security of the United States of America." Development of research, publishing their results, and The current analysis of the situation inside and outside the U.S. have become the land on which grew the most important principles of operation of rand.

The purpose of the Rand Corporation from the very beginning has been to promote "social atmosphere of moral ambiguity" in the name of personal and national priorities. They did this by creating a so-called first. "Rational Choice Theory", that is the theory, which postulates that when any decision the person (or government) must act so as to maximize personal benefits. Basically, according to the institution, the end justifies the means, and the conscience is not a factor to be taken seriously, if you want to be successful ...

The Rand Corporation from the very beginning working with people
 above-average intelligence and personality. Created analysis and
theories are echoed today. (fot.

Rand Corporation gives us a glimpse into the future of propaganda. The institution is currently involved in the process of determining what will be written in the books of American children and students. The fact that the elements of the theory postulated by the Rand Corporation "smuggled" in TV shows and commercials in prime time shows only a huge influence Rand Corporation.

The research services institutions use today many government agencies around the world, some of them blindly implement suggests the solution into force. The "professionalism and objectivity," Rand Corporation can speak a long list of its outstanding employees. Noteworthy is even Kenneth Arrow (economist, Nobel Prize winner), John Forbes Nash (mathematician, Nobel Prize laureate for the assertion of game theory), Herman Kahn (nuclear war theorist), and Donald Rumsfeld (two-time United States Secretary of Defense).

Do you think Rand Corporation is underrated player in the international arena?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Water in Europe will go into private hands. Do we approach the point of absurdity?

According to the European Union "Competition is good for business - more competition leads to lower prices and better products". It would not be surprising for the fact that the European Commission wants to implement this assumption to the ... water. If the EU gets what he wants, then private companies will soon be able to obtain licenses to operate public water systems in the field.

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The starting point for the activities of the European Commission's regulation of water were in Germany. So far, water supply remained there at the discretion of local authorities. Most cities and town councils themselves manage water supply systems and maintenance of water pipes, but sometimes (in certain cases) the council should grant concessions to private companies.

Berlin serves as an example of what can happen when the management of water supply is privatized. Price for water in the German capital has steadily increased (by 30%), according to the population decreased quality. By Matthias Ladsstättera, an expert in water management "of the 30 percent increase, at least six to ten percent of the net profit, which neither was discharged back to the budget of Berlin, nor was intended to improve the delivery of water services."

Even dosadniejszym example is London, which represents the most striking case of mismanagement of the water supply system as a result of privatization. According to Evelyn Gebhard (German MEP) in the capital of the UK, 40 per cent of water "filtered out of control into the ground, because companies do not invest in a system of pipes and water supply."

So where's the controversy over the action taken today by the European Commission? Experts fear that the EU legislation may force governments to privatize water supply management. Directive on public service concessions, which also include water supply sector, is intended to level the playing field across Europe. The project was presented by the European Commission at the end of 2011. In March this year, the European Parliament will vote on whether to adopt the directive.

"Currently, the proposed system is that it lumps together different sectors, it is detrimental to the local authorities," says Evelyn Gebhard. Public water systems were never intended to generate profits, but to provide clean water to all citizens. At EU level, water services has so far remained under the control of the Member States, but this may soon change.

Recent years of experience to the privatization of water around the world demonstrate that there is much evidence to undermine the legitimacy of these activities. A new report from Canada's Blue Planet Project, called "Our right to water - case studies for the economy and the privatization of water in Europe", reminds us once again that the privatization of water means that the "service function worse, people are losing their jobs, and private monopolies oriented only on profits.'s not good economics. "

Water is not just H2O, water is life. Access to potable water has been recognized by the United Nations as a fundamental human right. Water, however, the multi-billion dollar business. It seems that Brussels already decided: water in the future will belong to the private corporation and not to everyone.

What do you think about plans to privatize the water in Europe? Do you see any positive aspects can this type of action?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Unique discovery in Mexico: an alien skull a thousand years ago old?

Archaeologists in Mexico have discovered something that looks like an alien skull. The origin of the skull dates between 945 and 1308 AD. Unusual find was accidentally made while digging irrigation system in the north-western state of Sonora in Mexico.

The mystery of El Cementerio in Mexico

Cristina Garcia Moreno from Arizona State University, who worked on the project explained that like "deformed" skull found some time ago at the cemetery in Spain. "We do not know why populations in Spain and in Mexico would specially deformed head" Moreno insisted in a recent interview for ABC News.

"We assume that the deformation of the human skull was part of an ancient ritual, which took place about 1000 years ago. Deformation can be achieved by binding of a human head between two blocks of wood in order to exert pressure on the skull. A striking, however, is why the same type of the skull appeared in a completely different part of the world"adds the researcher.

Skull deformities in history were often used by different societies in the world as a ritual or procedure aimed at differentiating the status of the group or between groups. The reason the person whose skull found at El Cementerio in Mexico would deform its remains still unknown.

Also raised questions about the unofficial whether that's for sure human skull. It is doubtful whether human bones would be able to withstand such a long range deformation. The research team discovered Cristina Moreno in Mexico are other mysterious artifacts near the skull - pendants, nose rings and jewelry. Archaeologists plan to continue their studies as soon as possible.

What do we know of similar skulls?

Find in Mexico remains the only one that caused a lot of interest. In an extraordinary discovery, scientists also encountered at one of the archaeological sites in Peru. There found a very strange skull unconventional form. Anthropologists who have looked at the object, they had no doubts - certainly part of the skeleton is not a human being.

The discovery made in the Peruvian city of Andahuaylillas divided commentators who are not unanimous in their assessment of its nature, and media reports on the disclosure of unusual bone immediately sparked a wave of speculation as to its origin. The most frequent suggestions indicate that the skull came from a representative of an alien civilization. Anthropologists from around the world without prejudice, of course, to whom the skull belonged, but one is sure - it certainly was not a man.

The heat was also in May 2009, this time because of the image taken on the surface of Mars. According to many people in the photograph published by the space agency NASA, the skull was visible representative of an alien civilization. As the media reported, at first glance, the said object like a rock. The storm broke when some enthusiasts found that the object visible in the photograph is a fragment of rock, but the skull belongs to a representative of an alien civilization.

Some considered that in the picture structure contains sockets and nose. "The skull is 15 centimeters and sockets spaced about 5 inches. It has a capacity of about 1,400 cubic centimeters"- confessed to one of the observers, which quotes the newspaper.

Question of the origin

In the literature, various theories exist that attempt to explain the origin of deformed skulls, which every now and then are discovered by archaeologists in various parts of the Earth. Most of them are backed by some thesis about the rituals of the different cultures, others refer to "mutation" of genetic and physical persons, whose skeleton was found.

It should be noted, however, that in many cases, science is powerless and can not answer to the origin of the mysterious skulls. Every now and then the theories that explain their origins are modified or even denied.

What do you think found in Mexico? Described in the article skull might have belonged to the representatives of alien civilizations?

Monday, January 14, 2013

UFO over India

Reports of UFOs seen many times on the Sino-Indian border shook the local public opinion. Do men actually saw alien ships flying? Or maybe they were a Chinese spy planes?

Reports on UFOs continuously appear and basically anyone but rarely passionate about this subject at all exercised about their head. Rare are situations when information about unidentified flying objects penetrate the mainstream media and certainly even less in the position he was forced to take on the defense minister, a large regional power. So it happened recently in connection with multiple observations of mysterious objects seen regularly for several months along the Sino-Indian border.

According to "The Times of India" in the period from early August to 15 October soldiers patrolling the border reported observations of mysterious objects over 100 times. Reports reported on yellow, glowing spherical objects that suddenly rose up from the ground somewhere in the Chinese territory and then moved across the sky for three to five hours. According to the newspaper Indian army concerned about recurring events have tried to locate them using the radar, but the device can not detect anything. UFOs were seen in various parts along the over 2000 miles long border between the two countries, both in the territory of Kashmir controlled by India and close to the border with Tibet as well as in the south, including the coast of Sri Lanka.

The explanation of the matter was finally prompted India's defense minister AK Antony, who at the end of November, said that there is no convincing evidence that the border near UFO actually appeared. Assured by the fact that the authorities have taken all measures that can provide the required level of security.

Mysterious encounter in the Himalayas

Despite assurances from the government, of course, no shortage of speculation and conjecture on what, in fact, saw the Indian soldiers near the border. Media quickly reminded of the history that took place in 2004 in the Himalayas, when it reported a scientific expedition robot seen in a mountain valley.

During the research expedition, a group of geologists and glaciologists headed by Dr. Anil Kulkarniego saw just about 50 meters from each other strange robot-like character. According to the members of the expedition encounter lasted about 40 minutes and then measuring about four feet "robot" suddenly rose into the air and flew away. The whole event was seen by 40 people and took place in the region of Ladakh, where border guards checked the most recent UFO sightings. The region is sparsely populated, there are few roads and is one of the most isolated territories in India, however, given its strategic importance to be there a lot of military facilities.

The relationship of the incident prepared by Dr. Kurkarni was ignored by the government in New Delhi, but now in such circumstances the matter once again saw the light of day.

Chinese drones?

It would appear that the same phenomenon does not have to be explicable only by the theory of an extraterrestrial origin of the mysterious object. Given the fact that they occurred mostly in the vicinity of the border with China almost automatically raises the suggestion that they may have a relationship with a mysterious weapon tested in this area by Beijing. According to the Indian army analyzing the activity of these objects were not sure any kind of drones or satellites orbiting low. The fact that they were not seen by the radar may suggest that the observed objects were made of metal, so what were they?

So quick rejection of the hypothesis that near the border tested a new type of drone appears to be suspicious. Devices of this type are becoming widely used by many countries in the world, a leader indeed still the United States, but, as reported in the blog include "Code Authority" over its own UAVs are currently also Iran, Russia, the European Union, or just China. It is known that they are testing your own machine CH-4 the Wing Loong confusingly resembles the American Reaper. These units are similar to small aircraft, and certainly could not be considered to be a UFO. Perhaps, however, the Chinese are testing something far beyond today's technology to drones, a small robot that can move at high speed, such as the one in 2004 in the Himalayas expedition saw Kurkaniego. Since then, it's been eight years, perhaps Beijing has already improved his invention and it's time to use it to spy on its biggest rival in Asia.

Secret base in the Himalayas

There is another explanation. Ladakh region is the area where in 1962 there was the heaviest fighting the Sino-Indian, in those hard to reach area, there are alleged UFO base, which they know the governments of both countries. However, they are hidden for obvious reasons, and the media hype triggered by reports of soldiers makes it is increasingly difficult to hide. The network even circulate statements by alleged to be the already mentioned India's defense minister, AK Antony. He had reportedly admitted that "India in the Himalayas were active UFO base. Together with China and the United Nations are working on the solution for the case of foreign attack. " Are we dealing with a hoax? If such a declaration would have been actually issued by the minister of defense of one of the greatest countries in the world, it probably would be repeated by the mainstream media all around the globe. This did not happen, just as they circulate quote without giving the date and information when Antony was supposed to say it.

Regardless of exactly what was seen on the Sino-Indian border, we can be sure that the case is still not closed, still there are further reports, and no one has yet explained what these mysterious yellow light. The Chinese government is silent and so far has not issued any statement on the subject, we must be patient.