In our modern world, there are some institutions of power with a huge impact. I'm not talking here about national governments, intelligence agencies and even military organizations. Not even politicians from the headlines, strategists and a well-paid killer ...
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May Rand Corporation have an impact to the events taking place around the world? (fot. |
Article refers to the institutions that bring the latest paradigms force us all. Tavistock Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Bilderberg Group, Monsanto, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Carlyle Group - are just some of the many players "handing out cards" in the modern world.
However, one of the most influential modern institutions appears to bring the lead. I mean the Rand Corporation in California. This American "think tank", yet research organization non-profit organizations. Rand Corporation was originally developed for the U.S. Armed Forces May 14, 1948 in Santa Monica-based military program of the same name (RAND).
Currently, the Rand Corporation has approximately 1,600 employees in six premises - three are in the U.S., another three in Europe. Currently, the institution conducts research in the field of defense, terrorism, education, and even health. Its impact on the functioning of society, politics and the world economy clearly increasing.
Let us extract from the Statutes Rand Corporation (the "mission statement"): "The organization's mission is to foster and promote the goals of scientific, educational and charitable for the public welfare and security of the United States of America." Development of research, publishing their results, and The current analysis of the situation inside and outside the U.S. have become the land on which grew the most important principles of operation of rand.
The purpose of the Rand Corporation from the very beginning has been to promote "social atmosphere of moral ambiguity" in the name of personal and national priorities. They did this by creating a so-called first. "Rational Choice Theory", that is the theory, which postulates that when any decision the person (or government) must act so as to maximize personal benefits. Basically, according to the institution, the end justifies the means, and the conscience is not a factor to be taken seriously, if you want to be successful ...
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The Rand Corporation from the very beginning working with people above-average intelligence and personality. Created analysis and theories are echoed today. (fot. |
Rand Corporation gives us a glimpse into the future of propaganda. The institution is currently involved in the process of determining what will be written in the books of American children and students. The fact that the elements of the theory postulated by the Rand Corporation "smuggled" in TV shows and commercials in prime time shows only a huge influence Rand Corporation.
The research services institutions use today many government agencies around the world, some of them blindly implement suggests the solution into force. The "professionalism and objectivity," Rand Corporation can speak a long list of its outstanding employees. Noteworthy is even Kenneth Arrow (economist, Nobel Prize winner), John Forbes Nash (mathematician, Nobel Prize laureate for the assertion of game theory), Herman Kahn (nuclear war theorist), and Donald Rumsfeld (two-time United States Secretary of Defense).
Do you think Rand Corporation is underrated player in the international arena?