The political and business elite will gather in a private group to discuss a program that will determine the future of the most important global issues. Some aspects of the conference gradually forge the public. Topics to be addressed are worldwide tax system and giant Google. What may decide the association of the most influential people?
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The Bilderberg Group is an informal international club of the most influential people from the worlds of politics, business and industry. Group meetings are held once a year. In the course discusses the major issues concerning the world including security policy or the economy. Initially it was claimed that this year's conference (like last year) will be held in Chantilly, Virginia (USA). Today we know that the meeting will be held June 6-9 at the Grove in Hertfordshire (England).
In addition to all the "fanfare" around the game, but still remains the most important question: what issues will be discussed at this year's ultra-secret meeting of the Group Bildergerg? The company Google is currently involved in the "battle of unpaid taxes" in the UK. Thus led to political comments, most of which call for a 'new global system of taxation". It is postulated that this topic will be one of the main discussions of the Bilderberg.
In recent years there has been an increase of participants-digital giants. In addition to the software world giants such as Craig Mundie, chief research and strategy at Microsoft (2006-2012 Bilderberg participant) and Google CEO Eric Schmidt (2007-2011 Bilderberg participant) will be a key player Peter Thiel, head of Clarium Capital, ie the company that launched the so-known portals like Paypal, Facebook, LinkedIn or Friendster.
Does Google can be a kind of "Trojan horse" needed to implement a global tax system? Possibly. It is worth mentioning that the global tax could mean imminent prospect of a global government, which certainly would be on hand most of the Bilderberg Club. Observers add that extra excuse to create a global framework for the taxation of the economic crisis, is located in "perfect for this moment."
One thing is certain: the wealthiest in the world consistently aim to ensure that corporations are able to use all international tax loopholes to their advantage. Small and medium-sized enterprises as well as individual entrepreneurs have little say in here - in fact, today counts only voice (including political) Google and Facebook. If we can work out a compromise in the Club Bildergerg, the next step is to debate the G8 (the meeting is scheduled for 17-18 June).
Although popular in socialist circles, the idea of a global tax system has never been widely debated for fear of public backlash (in 2011 called for the introduction of a global tax on financial transactions - "Robin Hood tax" was quickly forgotten) Perhaps this year's event Bilderberg will lead us to a "global Google tax", which in time will open the way for politicians to something bigger.
Plans to implement a completely new global tax system should worry anyone who appreciates the concept of national sovereignty. To make matters worse, the whole structure can be implemented without a vote of citizens in each country... Do you believe that a forecast for this year's Bilderberg Group meeting can be checked? What may be the subject of further consideration of the informal club?