Saturday, November 26, 2011

People close connected to Goldman-Sachs influencing Europe

British “The Independent” puts some light on particular connections between one of the largest banks in the world, the Goldman-Sachs and many high-rank state officials from eurozone countries. 

The authors of the article are reminding that the new Italian prime minister, Mario Monti, was earlier an European commissioner for competition and was bank’s advisor for many years. It is not only one example. 

Jean Claude Trichet’s successor on the seat of the chairman of ECB, Mario Draghi in the 2002-2005 period was managing director of the bank and later he returned to public service as a chairman of Italian central bank. Not a long time ago European division of IMF was managed by Antonio Borges who had similar connections, while Otmar Issing as a board member of the German Bundesbank and then the European Central Bank, was one of the architects of the euro. 

Less likely to surprise us are connections of the Greek politicians, where Petros Christodoulou, who is managing government debt was beginning his career in Goldman-Sachs, while present prime minister, Lucas Papademos used to work as a chairman of the Greek central bank and is also a member of Trilateral Commission. 

Goldman-Sachs bank is being cattily called a “Vampire Squid”. In the rank I was quoting in the Polish version ofthis blog, I have displayed the rank of the 147 most influential companies in the world. At that time, Goldman-Sachs was 18th but the rank was based on the data from 2007, I wonder which rank would the bank have now?

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