Sunday, February 12, 2012

Russian intelligence is changing its tactics

Russian president had obliged the intelligence to change their tactics in order to fight with the "world terrorism". During Thursday's meeting with Igor Sergun, the director of GRU, the largest and most important Russian intelligence agency, Dymitriy Medvedev had claimed that the agency should open itself on the cooperation with foreign institutions and cooperate with them to fight terrorism.

“Changes in the world situation have required adjustments to be made to intelligence mechanisms and their implementation" - said Segun on Thursday,

During the meeting Sergun presented a report informing about the recent state of GRU. He stated that the organisation has a unique type of intelligence activity, because only GRU is being focused on all existing types and directions of spying.

According to Medvedev another important task of GRU is "“uncover in a timely way any imminent attack or development of a situation that could pose a threat to the country’s security,"

The international terrorism is still the largest modern global threat - he added. 

“We must reveal terrorists’ weapon and finance supply chains and, pursuing a preemptive tactic, foil their plans.” - said Medvedev

You should notice that Medvedev didn't precise what kind of terrorism Russia is going to fight with. We should consider, what kind of threat he had in mind? Was is islamic terrorism? In Russia, where many soldiers are muslims it is hard to say anything about the threat from this side. It is of course still important case of the Chechen conflict, but Moscow considers it as its "internal problem" so we can doubt if this conflict can be connected with international terrorism. We can talk about the modern cyberterrorism, but would such it be 

So, what is left?

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