Events for the last few months are taking place in Ukraine , about which we read in the daily news , has in addition to its official version of the second , much more interesting bottom. What we see in fact on our television screens are only visible side the great struggle for spheres of influence between major world powers and secret organizations that support them . Password "between Germany and Russia" refers directly to the title of a famous book by Adolf Bochenski dedicated to the Polish position on the international arena. However, as the current situation shows this title may also refer to other countries, including Ukraine.
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The defeated powers raise head
Since the ignominious defeat they suffered as a result of World War II Germany and Japan were occupied by foreign powers that have imposed them your system and way of life , and on their territory have installed a network of U.S. bases . Japan until recently had virtually no chance of rebuilding its armed forces , and defeated Germany because of the proximity and the threat of Soviet obtained approval for the establishment of the Bundeswehr, which, however, has been incorporated into the structures of NATO. This state continued until the end of the Cold War , the two countries because more boldly began to define their interests and goals. Germany have significantly contributed to the weakening of federal plans in Central Europe, effectively breaking up Yugoslavia antagonizing thereby resulting system Hexagonale . Struggling in the 90s with serious economic problems Country of the Rising Sun has returned to the game a little later , however, the growing threat posed by the growing power of China effectively motivates the Japanese to new investments in their own armed forces .
In the case of Germany, we can not overlook the fact that many prominent activists and supporters of the NSDAP after a few years regained the lost position and even made a career in the West German political and economic structures . I refer to the entries devoted to the formation and recruitment of employees in the Federal Intelligence Service (BND ), which strangely focused unusually high proportion of former Nazis from the first director of the BND and previously an officer in the Wehrmacht as general Rinhardem Gehlen .
Germany and CNS
Is the focus of so many former Nazis West German service did not know anything about living in Munich under a false name Stephan Bandera ? Flag for life (he was murdered, would almost by the KGB in 1959) maintained contacts and manage the structures of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists in the West, and his face was well known , so sooner or later it had to be interested in German history and perhaps even work with him to give in return guarantees inviolability . For NATO, the Ukrainian resistance movement and is still active in the 50s UPA partisans were a valuable ally , where appropriate, which could be used against the USSR.
Since the ignominious defeat they suffered as a result of World War II Germany and Japan were occupied by foreign powers that have imposed them your system and way of life , and on their territory have installed a network of U.S. bases . Japan until recently had virtually no chance of rebuilding its armed forces , and defeated Germany because of the proximity and the threat of Soviet obtained approval for the establishment of the Bundeswehr, which, however, has been incorporated into the structures of NATO. This state continued until the end of the Cold War , the two countries because more boldly began to define their interests and goals. Germany have significantly contributed to the weakening of federal plans in Central Europe, effectively breaking up Yugoslavia antagonizing thereby resulting system Hexagonale . Struggling in the 90s with serious economic problems Country of the Rising Sun has returned to the game a little later , however, the growing threat posed by the growing power of China effectively motivates the Japanese to new investments in their own armed forces .
In the case of Germany, we can not overlook the fact that many prominent activists and supporters of the NSDAP after a few years regained the lost position and even made a career in the West German political and economic structures . I refer to the entries devoted to the formation and recruitment of employees in the Federal Intelligence Service (BND ), which strangely focused unusually high proportion of former Nazis from the first director of the BND and previously an officer in the Wehrmacht as general Rinhardem Gehlen .
Germany and CNS
Is the focus of so many former Nazis West German service did not know anything about living in Munich under a false name Stephan Bandera ? Flag for life (he was murdered, would almost by the KGB in 1959) maintained contacts and manage the structures of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists in the West, and his face was well known , so sooner or later it had to be interested in German history and perhaps even work with him to give in return guarantees inviolability . For NATO, the Ukrainian resistance movement and is still active in the 50s UPA partisans were a valuable ally , where appropriate, which could be used against the USSR.
In 1989, the Berlin Wall falls , is soon solved the Warsaw Pact . Members of the CNS establish first contacts with supporters of newly independent Ukraine. Do not decide to support one political option but rather a quiet grassroots work . The first fruits brings the Orange Revolution, which amounts to power pro-western politicians and pronational of Viktor Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko at the helm. The leaders of the OUN- UPA , Stephan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych are considered heroes of Ukraine, on the west of the country puts up the monuments and the Ukrainian language is gaining privileged status . Soon, however, the orange camp disintegrates , former leaders are drowning in mutual accusations , support for Yushchenko is rapidly declining . Party returns to power supported by the eastern oligarchs (so-called "family" ) and represented by Viktor Yanukovych. Considered pro-Russian Yanukovych juggle between the European Union and Russia, the formula Belarus in talks and trying to communicate with Beijing . At the same time , in exchange for preferential gas prices for Ukraine in 2010, he signs an agreement extending the lease of military bases in Sevastopol for the Black Sea Fleet stationed there until 2042 .
In the meantime, however, in Ukraine grows new generation brought up after the fall of the USSR , speaking in Ukrainian better than Russian, recoiling to the West. This generation is much more pro-Western than their parents , what more fruits bring to the consequences of the Orange Revolution, above all, recognition of the role and legacy of the OUN -UPA . This can be seen even when referring to the growing popularity of the heritage of the party " Freedom" .
Germany - Europe's hegemon
In recent years, Germany behave more assertive and lead more and more independent policies . Quickly recovering from the crisis , which plunged the euro area and the European Union in the form extended by France. For southern European countries are becoming a creditor who gets the final say on the reform, in Greece comes to pacify growing in strength , the pro-Russian “Golden Dawn”. At the same time Germany put forward a request to the German gold , so far held in vaults in Paris, London and New York , returned back to the country , should be added that these reserves are among the largest in the world and among others they affect the confidence which once enjoyed a German brand .
Where did the Germans this sudden confidence ? Not without significance is , of course, the events of recent years , especially the crisis and the political impotence of EU officials . For all this , however, requires something else. In recent years, the United States made a decisive turn in its policy and focus on other regions of the world by eliminating many of its existing European bases , especially in the territories of Italy and Germany. This is often underestimated factor made , however, that in the Federal Republic of Germany is currently the least American soldiers since the end of World War II , what more the United States expressing interest in Obama term primarily the Middle East and the Pacific region gave Berlin a new field of action.
German interests in Ukraine
The outbreak of protests in Majdan coincided with the refusal to sign the Association Agreement by Yanukovych and the European Union . Although, as pointed out by many analysts, the terms of this agreement were not acceptable , however, the Ukrainians began protests that unexpectedly turned into a national revolution. It is no coincidence that they were the strongest in the west of the country where the influence of the CNS are the strongest . It was there he recruited the largest percentage of people who protested on the Majdan (see also the place of origin killed) . At this point, it is worth examining the associations of Germany with Majdan . One of its leaders and initiators is holding a German passport Vitali Klitschko , dumbfounding is also unusual activity of non-governmental organizations funded by Western institutions (mainly German and American) .
In the case of similar revolution is the most important question is: who will it gain? Is the shift in Germany 's sphere of influence far to the east until the Kiev, setting up as a peacemaker and a country that wants to prosperity for the whole of Europe and is without shooting , camps and bloody domination over conquered is not a diplomatic masterstroke?
End of part 1
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