I wonder what was Dr. John Coleman thinking when he formulated on of the Iluminati goals I have mentioned before: “To bring about the end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call the post-industrial zero-growth society”. When we observe what is happenning recently, we can come to the conclusion, that we are close to the moment when this vision will become truth. Nuclear power plants are brought into disrepute, bad economists convincing how much can be saved, ruined companies connected with this kind of energy sector. It seems that it was not tsunami but someone had used a chance to blow up Japanese power plants. What for? Maybe in order to make another serious step into this post-industrial zero-growth society. This seemingly unreal theory can have a second bottom we should consider seriously. No matter if this act of terror was a real one or just a figurative expression. How did it happen that from all those serious constructions only nukes were crushed?
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
A cake in the face!
I have written recently that Mr. Matthias Platzeck had a wonderful idea that we in Poland should resign from the plans of constructing nuclear power plant. I need to say, that it is definitely marvelous idea. After all, it will give our Western neighbours a great amount of reasons to create new jokes about Poles, who have got an electricity only 5 days a week but the bills are higher than those in Germany. Very funny!
I just want to remind you some, maybe a bit ignored, facts about the electric energy. There are still less hydroelectric facilities than before the WWII! What is more, to construct such facilities is enormously expensive and requires fighting tons of regulations, prepared probably by the colleagues of Mr. Platzeck. We cannot of course use our coal recources, oh no, it is forbidden by the Lisbon Strategy, which was prepared to make the European Union the most competetive economy of the world, but instead of it we have a petitioner of the United States and Russia deep in crisis.
Maybe Mr. Platzeck’s words are nothing more than just loudly articulated thoughts of also other people from German political class who combine how to pacify whole Mitteleuropa and step by sten rebuild German colonies in the East? After all it is much easier, quietly and with the smile on the face to make your weaker neighbour totally dependen on you, especially when this neighbours is not able to catch him up while there is always something put on his way? On the worst case the neighobouring state would collapse an we will establish special board containing only “independent” directors.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
At the roots of the problem
It has gone hot recently. I am not talking this because of the spring which at last arrived to Poland, but because of what is happening in the world. And what is happening? Well, i assume that my readers are well informed in the wolrd news, so there is not much sense to write about details. I will just let myself to pay your attention on one common element for the most important event of the recent, hm, years?
For how long the mayority of the most important discussions touch the question of ENERGY? For how long the fight for influence and domination is a matter of energetics, where the oil prices overturn the governments, lead to wars and the information about new investments in this branch are the source of serious international disputes?
There is no reason to feel suprised, when I sit in front of my computer and drink a coffee made in an electric coffee machine, I can imagine how hard it would be for me to resign of all these luxuries, which without the energy would become totally useless. All our modern civilization is addicted to a great amount of energy used in a different form and like an unsaturated hydra it always wants more and more.
So, what have Egypt, Libya and Japan in common? It is energy. Egypt is a country with a location of a strong strategical meaning, it controlls Suez Canal, which is a gate to Indian Ocean, so also Asian ports. At the moment when I am writing these words col. Ghadaffi takes control over another cities and it seems that he will keep in charge himself and his family for the next years. As we know his character, which I have described recently, everyone who reproved his actions to early, would sooner or later have to apoligize him on their knees, or search for another place for investments fot their national companies.
First of all, maybe it would sound heartless, the earthquake in Japan is not anything new. In the country which is located in such a place, sooner or later we could expect similar catastrophy. What is more, in 2004, after the last earthquake there was also a danger of a leak from the nuclear power plant. It did not disturb the Japanese to construct the most high-tech atomic reactors and being close to construct a power plant in India. Suddenly everyone started histericaly react on the word: “atomic energy”.
Very significant is an example from polish field, where the prime minister of Brandenburg, Matthias Platzeck together with aldermen of Berlin claimed, that after Japanese experience Poles should consider if construction of the atomic power plant is a good idea. It is preditcted that considering similar growth rate as Poland had in previous years, in close future we will suffer from poor energy supplies. What is more there are many obstacles to get the energy from other sources and thats why resigning from the atomic power in the case of Poland would look like suicide. To make the situation stranger, Poland is not located in the area with high seismic activity and the earthquake here is almost impossible.
There are many similar demands like this. What people like Mr. Platzeck expect to receive? Is is motivated only by the conern on enviroment? I really doubt. In the coming posts we will have a closer look on the energetic case, because it will perfectly complete what we have considered before.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
German Path
Establishing a red empire in the Eastern Europe was a great success for all who through many years worked hard to turn the world upside down. Thanks to USSR the iluminati were able to use a powerful instrument, which could change the world in the most brutal way. As I have written previously, before it happened, Albert Pike needed a great European war and to start this war he needed a state, which will initiate the conflict on a largest scale. The ideal country for this was Prussia, ambitious, full of military traditions.
One of the ways to prepare the war was the Spring of Nations, which was supposed to destroy the order prepared in Vienna in 1815. Mass revolutions succeeded only in part, mainly because of the Prussian king, who refused receiving emperor’s crown from the German Parliament. Disappointed by the failure of their plan, iluminati invested in a full of ambitions young man, who using his intelligence and skills was moving up in the hierarchy, not only this apparent but also in this hidden structure. It was Otto von Bismarck, one of the most influencial freemasons of the 33th grade, who created a modern military state. Prussia using the mobilization of all citizens had gained an enormous battle potential and Prussian schools were to unify and create a new German nation. Every Polish reader remebers the history of protests in school in Wrzesnia, where students began a protest against the expansion of the German language.
The work took dozens of years but at last the results could be seen. Europe was at that time the real center on the whole world and whatever happened there, it had its consequences somewhere else. But the relations on the continent had gone much worse. The good image of the atmosphere of that time we can see on this picture from the time just before the World War I:
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source: drawn.ca |
We can see there European states waiting for a proper moment to attack each other, we can easily see that the time of stabilization and peace in Europe had passed. Soon the World War I broke out, after that miffed German ambitions evolved into demonic III Reich. Its masters are the authors of the most tragic crimes and the mysteries which were not solved until today.
The aim was one - to create in Europe a great agreement. It is a consequence of created for centuries conception of replacing Christian values and the faith in God by a new doctrine. Previously the planned wars were used and today it has began to force the influence using for example a strategy of addicting the countries to energy supplies.
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Red Revolution
We have moved from one topic to another. For a less knowing reader these posts I have written already can look as they had no connections, but in fact they are good examples that many interesting and unexplored mysteries still wait for interpretation. Their correct understanding is covered by a thin drift of multiply news in media.
Sablin’s story has shown us how specific “red Russia” was. This country seems to be a revolutionary and friendly for all progressive changes but at the same moment it condems to death a man, who wanted to make this revolution even deeper! Do no be suprised. Real revolutionaries were in Soviet Union eliminated at the very beginning. Revolutions have their specific planned order and their aims and what is the most important, the people who control them. As a result they get the access to unlimited influence and great amount of money. They negiotiate new economic deals and choose new business partners.
Albert Pike, one of the most influential free masons of the 19th century, when he was preparing his plan of starting three world wars, which I have written about not so long ago, he perfectly knew how much potential lays in Russia. Only the Tzar was on his way to succeed. To prepare necessary revolution first step was to weaken the Tzar and begin a chaos in a whole country. As a trigger they have used a Pan-European war, which destroyed three empires and created weak stater in the Central Europe. In Russia they have established a bloody dictatorship. It is obvious that it was not an effect of domestic relations in this huge country and the rebellion of local ploretariat. First of all, there was no ploretariat in Russia except Moscow and St. Petersburg. Secondly, the whole communist ideology was nothing more than just an older version of what we nowadays call a globalism - a clever instrument created by the iluminati to help them act. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as well as other communists of later times were always getting money for their activity. They didn’t get them from the workers or peasants. The money for bolsheviks was flowing all the time to help them in their efforts to start a civil war.
Russia is an enormous country with the great potential, which for about two hundred years plays a role of “God’s whip” against everybody, who had ambition to have too much in Europe. It is worth to observe which role it plays in the growing problems of the European Union.
Friday, March 11, 2011
What is hiding Lech Walesa?
Everyone of us during his studies had to interpretate works of a great amount of different poets and writers. What the poet meant writing this or that? Today, this skill can be a great advantage used as a key to understand what is happening around us. Especially when the words come from the Pope or are being said by the former President. ".... - nobody would last the truth about these events" - says former Polish president Lech Walesa in the interview with Piotr Najsztub for the "Wprost" weekly. He claims that the Smolensk catastrophy will divide Poles until the moment, when the conversation between Lech and Jaroslaw Kaczynski will be revealed. As he says, the brothers were talking a dozen or so minutes before the catastrophy. I am not a fan o the case of Smolensk catastrophy, but I will ask: What did the former President mean when he said this? Does he know something we don't? Does he say so because he simply can't stand this knowledge? The fact that he knows more than an average person we can be almost sure. Who had told him what was the conversation about? American intelligence? Maybe Russian? If so, why Walesa doesn't finish in declaring his thoughts and all the intelligence officers pretend that they do not know anything? At the preent day, no one doubts that everybody is eavesdropping one another. Is the fact, that oficially nobody wants to convince means that there is something more to hide?
I will remind one famous story which was later described in "The Hunt for Red October"- the debut book of Tom Clany from 1984. Let's get back to the roots. In original story The Red October was not a submarine, but a frigate "Storozhevoy". What hapenned in 1975 had collapsed the Red Army and the whole world. One of the crew members was Valery Mikhailovich Sablin, he was from a family with rich marine traditions. Sablin was a real son of the October Revolution. He couldn't lie and he hated duplicity. He was well educated and well-read. "Storozevoy" entered the port in Riga at the November 7th 1975 to honor the 58th anniversary of the October Revolution. Commander leutenant Sablin had decided to ude this symbolic date. Next day together with few helpers he took control over the frigate. He inprisoned ship's captain and then he had iniciated a referrendum between gathered officers and warrant officers .They have decided to move through Irbe Strait, the way out of the Gulf of Riga. Sablin refused to stop the ship. The chase was complicated and took a long time. It is said that Sablin wanted to get to Lenningrad, because he wanted to have a patriotical speech. The ship was moving next to the islands of Hiuma and Sarema which meant that it was very close to Sweden. Scandinavians who were eavesdropping during this dramatical chase were hiding whole situation. At last, on the international waters "Storozevoy" was bombed by the chasing ships and it was taken over only 50 nautical miles from Gotland Island. Whole crew was arrested and KGB had forced everybody who took part in the chase to remain silent. The authorities terrified by the perspective of growing revolutionary atmosphere, have released a statement saying that the rebels wanted to escape to the West. Commander leutenant Valery Sablin received a death sentence. He was shot on August 3rd 1976. The most active crew members received for few years sentence in prison. The rest of the crew was divided and moved into the Northern Sea and Pacific Ocean fleets. The captain was expelled from the communist party and forced to leave the navy .This is just the short version of the story.
If the intelligence agencies have got the resources and the instruments to check everything and everyone so they know what Walesa is talking about. Do they similary as in 1970's, cannot say what do they know? And if they don't say, there comes another question: who do they support and why? Let's ask one more question: Why you don't say what you know, Mr. President?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Pope’s voice
On March 10th in Vatican there is going to be an official presentation of a new book by the Pope Benedict XVI. The book will be released in the atmosphere of sensation and accuses of the change of interpretation of history. Italian media find the words of Benedict XVI very important, giving Jews total exculpation, after being accused for condemning Jesus to death. I do not feel competent enough to guess the thoughts of the “head of the Church”, but what actually happens is that the Pope’s words had completely changed the political view and will be by many treated as the modest, but still political manifestation over the popular way of thinking. Is it really what is going to happen? In his book the Pope is asking a fundamental question: “Firstly, let us ask a question: Who were the prosecutors? Who had insisted to crucify Jesus?”. What is more, the author seems to give his opponents and one-side readers some arguments writing: “Jesus was not a political rebel” and then is even more controversial: “In Evangelical stories there are differences which we should consider. Due to John there are simply the Jews. But word does not absolutely mean - as a modern reader can possibly think - an Israeli nation as a whole”, it is even more obvious that it does not have “racial” meaning. Does the Pope relate directly into a political context he wants to be promoted? The second volume of his personal thoughts with the subtitle “Holy Week: From the entrance into Jerusalem to the Ressurection”, which was released almost four years after the first one, is a detailed analysis of the Gospels coming with the political analysis of that times. He creates a connection between that time and the modern times: “We can all see the terrible results of violence motivated by the religion. The Kingdom of God, kingdom of humanity cannot be established using violence. Despite the attemps of using the religion and its idealistic motivation, it still remains a favourite tool of Antichrist. Violence does not serve humanity but anti-humanity”. The author seems to give a signal for the people interested in Vatican political relations and its engagement in the worlds politics. The case of a new point of view from Jewish community is in this context very significant and will be interpreted for a very long time. An example? Polish Gazeta Wyborcza writes, that the chairman of the World Jewish Congress, after being acknowledged by the Pope’s writings has said, that despite the council‘s declaration in “Nostra Aetate” from 1965 and rejection of the theory of Jewish responsibility for Jesus’ crucifixion (we can find there an opinion that “we should not show the Jews as the cursed by God outcasts”), many catholics still keep this opinion. He claims that the rejection of the “false arguments in the personal book, is right, but probably not enough”. What kind of meaning would then have for us the judging words of Lauder who said that: “The Jews from all over the world very appreciate, that this Pope is absolutely determined to keep good relations between the Christians and the Jews”. Are the words of the Pope misinterpreted? Do they unmask his political intentions? What can they mean during the Middle East crisis? Should we understand Pope’s words so straightforward? One thing we can be sure - The Church has been shaping political relations for over two millennia as much as she could afford and as much as her opponents allowed her to do so.
The question about UFO
Let’s leave the revolutions for a while. Let’s have a break.
On the March 2nd dailymail.co.uk has written, that the Siberian air controllers said that they had a contact with UFO. According to this statement this secret object had shown up on their screens in the control tower near Yakutsk. The mesurments show that it was flying on the attitude of nearly 20 thousand metres with the speed over 2,5 thousand km/h. The velocity as well as often and rapid changes of the course were clearly distinguishing the object from the planes. As the controllers say, they have also heard the sounds which seemed to be the efforts to get a contact from UFO. They compare the sound to the meowing female’s voice. “The cat’s tongue”, as they call it, was completely impossible to understand. Another - one of hundreds informations, showing the presence of those, who do not exist. For now I don’t want to inculde myself into the discussion if UFO exists or not. Nobody asks me, anyway. I will just let myself to share with You following consideration. If we suppose that UFO really exists and it visits our planet for years, why the politicians deny it? And not only the politicians? What is the reason of the truth covered by the governments of many states? Obviously it is a dare assumption, that the UFO exists is interesting because if it doesn’t and everyone who claims that is insane, this fact does not enrich our discussion. Let’s suppose that UFO exists and better answer the question.
Firstly, the existence of UFO destroys all the evolutionary and especially theological constructions. Man and his system of values coming from divine absolute bites the dust, the Church’s authority falls. Faithful ones must begin to believe in completely different way and they are surely not prepared for that, the same as the Church. In this context we can notice shy efforts to articulate, that the Church considers the existence of something but of course the creator of it can be only the resurrector who until now was a monopolist. So we have the first evidence to claim officially that UFO does not EXIST.
Second thing is that if exists “something”, what has got more power then those who claim that they have it, how would their authority look like? Especially the power between governed areas? Therefore whole political power falls down and it is the argument strong enough to say: UFO does not EXIST. Another thing which people loose is the feeling of safety and the world falls in total chaos. The world order preserved for centuries is overthrown. The Armageddon for the whole civilisation comes.
And the third point: transaction. There are premises, I will not risk to say proofs, that the most important governments had an agreement with the ALIENS, making a specific deal for the influence, possibility to make the experiments and hidden presence. They had declared the technological progress in order to control social order by the human side of the deal. Omnipresent word: influence. But the the fight for the influence on the presence and the future goes on. Doesn’t it?
Step by step
I have been writing about the financial interest determining revolutions and wars. Since the time when people started doing business, many of them created the situations where, speaking modern language, the economic situation collapsed, of course there were also situations where something influenced business relations without “human help”. Disasters, geographical discoveries, great epidemics, but also surprising, if we can consider them this way, unpredictable events. I will write about one of them, considering current situation, the one which is very on time. When we search the news services, we can find the information that in July 2008 in one of Geneva’s hotels a Swiss counter-terrorism group entered the room where was staying Hannibal Gadaffi, the son of Libyan dictator and his wife. The group had been called by the hotel staff who had heard terrible screams coming from the hotel room. After a while it had shown up that Mr and Mrs Gadafii were beating their service without mercy. Mrs Gadaffi had been beating her maid so hard that she had broken the iron. When they saw people with blood on their faces, the security workers had put young Gadaffi on the ground and handcuffed him. The same hapenned with his personal security. Libyans were taken into arrest where they were accused of assault and battery and threats. Two days later, after strong protests of diplomats, young Gadaffi was remanded of bail over 130 thousand euro. Nothing special, it seems that this is just another normal event. But...the result were meaningful. The father - Muammar reacted rapibly and sharply. First thing he had done was halting oil supplies to Switzerland, after that he forbid heir planes to land t on Libyan airports and their ships to enter ports. Libyan embassy in Switzerland was closed. Gadaffi’s diplomats asked the UN to liquidate Switzerland and share its teritory between Germany, Italy and France. Libya had also withdrawn milions of dollars from their banks and all Swiss companies were expelled from the country.
It sounds like a story from an American comic book. It is still unknown how much did people and companies loose. I need to say, that Libyan oil reserves are estimated to about 42 billion barrels, which places them at the third position in Africa. Petrol industry (oil and gas export) supplies 75% of GDP and 95% od export profits and shares only 3% of labour market, where unemployment rate grows to 32%. Not a long time ago, Libya was going to expand this sector, planning to grow the mining to 3mln barrels daily in 2015. By the way, we can only guess how much influence had these plans for other producers’ interest. The same thing goes with their enthusiasm after it was announced. In whose interest the crisis we have now hits the most? It is worth to check this in order to see how much “spontaneous” recent events are. After the last UN decisions there are estimations that only Russia can lose about 4 billion dolars after the military contracts were halted. It was a result of the UN embargo on weapon supplies to this country. As the the “Interfax” agency had informed according to their anonymous military-diplomatic sources, Libya is one of the largest recipients of Russian weapon supplies. The contract signed between this country and Russia for military equipment supplies is worth about 2 billion dolars. “At the final step is the worth 1,8 bln. dolars agreement for plane, helicopters and air-defence systems supplies” - he said. He also added that Libyan authorities were also interested in buying about 15 Su-35 planes, new KA-52 “Aligator” battle helicopters, T-90S tanks, 636 class submarines and S-400 air-defence systems/
As we can see, the world r at least the part of it has got its reasons to feel anxious. On the other hand the oil crisis would be felt by all of us. There is one question which should be asked - are we sure that nobody would get a profit?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The Spring of Nations?
When the Napoleon had put himself an emperor’s crown everything seemed, that the French Revolution had hit its peak and the changes which are being brought by it will not meet any resistance. It was easy to acccept it, when during more than ten years time, it was Napoleon the one who was overthrowing and enthroning the heads of states in almost whole Europe. But in 1815 the old order was recovered and the winners had taken care to keep this delicate equilibrium on the European continent. Of course there were many who did not like it, there were people who wanted to get as much power as it was possible and to rule not only in Europe but in whole world. These people wanted to destroy this order.
Iluminati kept working in the whole Europe. They were getting new contacts, consolidating their financial and political position, preparing everything for a proper moment to start a long-time-planned conflict. The revolutionary struggle which had taken place in almost every European country in 1848 was not an accident, people who were in charge during the revolutions stayed in permanent touch, in fact, almost all most important revolutionaries belonged to the iluminated freemasonry lounges. The conflict had, as always begun in France, where after the overthrow of Louis Philip monarchy, the republic was established for a second time, but soon the revolution had moved to the other countries, German states, Italy and Austria. Only Russia remained “untouched”. In every place where the revolution started, the most important were national slogans, calling to unite divided territories into nation states, independence of opresed communities or regime change into a republican one. As an effect of these revolutions were in fact new states organized as the republics, where, like in France every citizen was supposed to be ready to go to war. With the mixed ethnic borders, mutual pretensions and imperial ambitions it was very easy to have a large-scale war.
The revolutions of 1848 influenced on almost every supporter of post-Vienna order, France became a republic once again, in Germany there were efforts to unify the country by the parliament, in Austria Hungarian uprising weakened the monarchy and it was necessary to call Russian help. What is the most important, in the newly-established states, masses were included into war. Since then the situation where those who were fighting were subjects of one or other ruler, there were no mercenaries, but Germans against Poles, Italians against French, nation against nation destroying each other in a total war.
What happens when whole nations go to war? They must be armed. To arm so many people money is needed and when there is no money it must be borrowed. This way humanity had found itself in a situation when it did not matter who was fighting with whom, the profits were taken only by iluminati.
Altough, there still remained one country, which still guarded the “old order” - Russia.
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