Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Spring of Nations?

When the Napoleon had put himself an emperor’s crown everything seemed, that the French Revolution had hit its peak and the changes which are being brought by it will not meet any resistance. It was easy to acccept it, when during more than ten years time, it was Napoleon the one who was overthrowing and enthroning the heads of states in almost whole Europe. But in 1815 the old order was recovered and the winners had taken care to keep this delicate equilibrium on the European continent. Of course there were many who did not like it, there were people who wanted to get as much power as it was possible and to rule not only in Europe but in whole world. These people wanted to destroy this order.

Iluminati kept working in the whole Europe. They were getting new contacts, consolidating their financial and political position, preparing everything for a proper moment to start a long-time-planned conflict. The revolutionary struggle which had taken place in almost every European country in 1848 was not an accident, people who were in charge during the revolutions stayed in permanent touch, in fact, almost all most important revolutionaries belonged to the iluminated freemasonry lounges. The conflict had, as always begun in France, where after the overthrow of Louis Philip monarchy, the republic was established for a second time, but soon the revolution had moved to the other countries, German states, Italy and Austria. Only Russia remained “untouched”. In every place where the revolution started, the most important were national slogans, calling to unite divided territories into nation states, independence of opresed communities or regime change into a republican one. As an effect of these revolutions were in fact new states organized as the republics, where, like in France every citizen was supposed to be ready to go to war. With the mixed ethnic borders, mutual pretensions and imperial ambitions it was very easy to have a large-scale war.

The revolutions of 1848 influenced on almost every supporter of post-Vienna order, France became a republic once again, in Germany there were efforts to unify the country by the parliament, in Austria Hungarian uprising weakened the monarchy and it was necessary to call Russian help. What is the most important, in the newly-established states, masses were included into war. Since then the situation where those who were fighting were subjects of one or other ruler, there were no mercenaries, but Germans against Poles, Italians against French, nation against nation destroying each other in a total war.

What happens when whole nations go to war? They must be armed. To arm so many people money is needed and when there is no money it must be borrowed. This way humanity had found itself in a situation when it did not matter who was fighting with whom, the profits were taken only by iluminati.

Altough, there still remained one country, which still guarded the “old order” - Russia.

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