Thursday, March 10, 2011

The question about UFO

Let’s leave the revolutions for a while. Let’s have a break.

On the March 2nd has written, that the Siberian air controllers said that they had a contact with UFO. According to this statement this secret object had shown up on their screens in the control tower near Yakutsk. The mesurments show that it was flying on the attitude of nearly 20 thousand metres with the speed over 2,5 thousand km/h. The velocity as well as often and rapid changes of the course were clearly distinguishing the object from the planes. As the controllers say, they have also heard the sounds which seemed to be the efforts to get a contact from UFO. They compare the sound to the meowing female’s voice. “The cat’s tongue”, as they call it, was completely impossible to understand. Another - one of hundreds informations, showing the presence of those, who do not exist. For now I don’t want to inculde myself into the discussion if UFO exists or not. Nobody asks me, anyway. I will just let myself to share with You following consideration.  If we suppose that UFO really exists and it visits our planet for years,  why the politicians deny it? And not only the politicians? What is the reason of the truth covered by the governments of many states? Obviously it is a dare assumption, that the UFO exists is interesting because if it doesn’t and everyone who claims that is insane, this fact does not enrich our discussion. Let’s suppose that UFO exists and better answer the question.

Firstly, the existence of UFO destroys all the evolutionary and especially theological constructions. Man and his system of values coming from divine absolute bites the dust, the Church’s authority falls. Faithful ones must begin to believe in completely different way and they are surely not prepared for that, the same as the Church. In this context  we can notice shy efforts to articulate, that the Church considers the existence of something but of course the creator of it can be only the resurrector who until now was a monopolist. So we have the first evidence to claim officially that UFO does not EXIST.

Second thing is that if exists “something”, what has got more power then those who claim that they have it, how would their authority look like? Especially the power between governed areas? Therefore whole political power falls down and it is the argument strong enough to say: UFO does not EXIST. Another thing which people loose is the feeling of safety and the world falls in total chaos. The world order preserved for centuries is overthrown. The Armageddon for the whole civilisation comes. 

And the third point: transaction. There are premises, I will not risk to say proofs, that the most important governments had an agreement with the ALIENS, making a specific deal for the influence, possibility to make the experiments and hidden presence. They had declared the technological progress in order to control social order by the human side of the deal. Omnipresent word: influence. But the the fight for the influence on the presence and the future goes on. Doesn’t it?

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