Thursday, January 5, 2012

Who's behind and why is he hiding the mysterious birds' death?

On New Years Eve the citizens of the town of Bebee, Arkansas have once again been stormed by the plague of dead birds. Dead animals were everywhere, on the streets, roofs, on the grass. Their bodies were already taken by proper services but still the mysterious deaths didn't find any explanation.
The same hapenned a year ago, also on the New Years Eve. In order to avoid such situation to be repeated, all fireworks were forbidden. It didn't help. About 7pm birds started to fall on Bebee. Was the fireworks the real cause? Let's suppose that yes, but if so, why there was no such situation on July 4th when Americans are festing their Independence Day? Why did it happen on New Year's Eve in 2011 but not earlier? Finally, why did it happen on New Year's Eve and only in this particular town? 

If there was only that unique incident, whole case would be much easier, considering the fact that it hapenned only in relatively small area. The problem is that these deaths appeared not only in Arkansas and not only birds were affected. The list below contains several best-known examples of mass animal death in very short period of time:

These are not all the incidents. Much more information can be found for example here. The map below contains places where massive mysterious animals deaths took place:

source Google Maps/link

While the scientists still claim that there is no connection between these events, we need to remeber that there are no accidents. That is why it is worth to analyse who or what can be responsible for what happenned. Everything took place in relatively short period of time, we can also see that majority of the animals' deaths hapenned in the Eastern part of the USA and in Great Britain. 

Zen Gardner in Activist Post has made a list of 10 possible reasons of animals' massive deaths. According to several hipotesis it was connected with natural causes such as geomagnetic change or meteor showers. On the other hand it can be also caused by human activity: geoengineering, bioweapon testing, GMO (connected with the bees and bats deaths) or HAARP. 

No matter what is the real reason, another question shows up: is it going to repeat with similar intensivity as it hapenned lat year? We'll see.

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